Ok, then you need to read the rest of this! YPOPs! allows you to access your Yahoo! e-mail account with your favorite e-mail program. No longer are you required to read and send Yahoo! e-mails while online! Reading then can be at your leisure - without being connected to the internet!
Well, if you want to read or compose your e-mails offline, ie not connected to the internet you do. But there's a problem. Yahoo! disabled the free access to its POP/SMTP e-mail service in April 2002. Yahoo! users then had to begin using the web (online) to access their e-mail account OR had to pay $9 + a year to continue. POP/SMTP e-mail service is required for off-line e-mail access. Another alternative some chose was to get an e-mail elsewhere, but their e-mail address could be with several places/people. Informing all of them about their new e-mail address could prove to be a nightmare. For many this was too BIG a disadvantage (having to read and send online), especially those on dialup internet access.
YPOPs! Is a small 'helper' program that does the e-mail send-receive for you. It 'emulates' Yahoo's fee required POP3/SMTP server, saving you money. YPOPs! instead connects to Yahoo! via their free webmail server. When using this POP/SMTP access method your e-mail storage space is now on your PC's disk space too. You only have to be online long enough to send the e-mails in your outbox and pull down new e-mails. Reading and composing e-mails then can be at your leisure - without being connected to the internet!
YPOPs! is an open-source initiative (a type of freeware), download it here: http://yahoopops.sourceforge.net/index.php
Sending e-mail - very important!
To be able to send e-mail you need to enable one OR the other of server option setups below:
1) Use YPOPs! - This has to be 'enabled' as it's disabled by default. In our testing it's quite usable. Right click on the YPOPs! Tray Icon. Click on "Configure", expand "Advanced Preferences", and click on "Network" In the right section labeled "SMTP" place a check in the Enable SMTP checkbox. See below. Click OK.
2) Use your ISP's server - The SMTP server would be something like smtp.yourisp.com OR mail.yourisp.com or even smtp.mail.yourisp.com. In your e-mail program open your ISP e-mail account's setting and make note of the SMTP server. Use this for the Yahoo! SMTP server setting. It's easiest to just copy it and then past it in the Yahoo! account's settings profile.
Last updated Sunday, March 5, 2005
All content copyright 2002-2005